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Borovitza Cellar, BelogradchikCod 2601

Situated among the rocks of Belogradchik and located near the village, “the Cellar of Borovitza” is primarily aimed to the creation of some batches relatively limited of wines with a pronounced character and specific to the territories in northwest of Bulgaria, a region which offers good opportunities for obtaining grapes and wine with distinctive characteristics.
Because of extremely limited quantities of grape processing, the products from the “Borovitsa” cellar are in small quantities, but with a very prominent character that reflects the specific characteristics of the territory. Some of the vineyards are located on the famous Belogradchik rocks on the red sandy-rocky soil.
Through theproject “The wines” were selected and offered two limited collections of wines from Borovitza collection, from the collection “Les Amis”. Borovitsa winery is a member of the Association of independent producers in Bulgaria.

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