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Church of St. Gheorghe, ConstanțaCod 1088

In 1915 there were two Romanian Orthodox churches in Constanta: the Church of “Saints Peter and Paul” and „Assumption of the Holy Virgn” Church, insufficient for the number of believers. Therefore, the priest Nicholas Paveliu made arrangements necessary for the foundation stone of the Church  „St. Gheorghe The event took place on 13 September 1915, the church service was held by Bishop Nippon of the Lower Danube (of which Dobrogea depended administratively and ecclesiastically).

In August 1916, when our country entered the war, the building  now at cornice was suspended and was resumed in the fall of 1919.

In 1923 the church exterior was completed. After death of the priest Paveliu (1929), the inner workings have been taken-over by the priests Rosculeț and Atanase Popescu.

At the beginning of `30 the Church „St. Gheorghe” was painted in  în Neo-Byzantine style by Nicolae Tonitza, and until the end of 1935 the church was consecrated by Gherontie Nicolau, Bishop of Constanta.

During 1956-1957, the painting is restored by the priest Constantin Lembrau, painter and servant in this church.

The importance of this event in parish life was marked by bringing relics of St. John the Baptist from the church “Birth of Saint John the Baptist” from Piatra Neamt. The Bishop of Tomis, welcomed the relics on Wednesday night, and set them to worship, then he celebrated the Vespers and Mystery of Holy Unction.

St. George was born in the third century in Nicomedia of godly parents. It was particularly attracted by handling weapons, reaching at thirty years  the rank of tribune, and appreciated by the Emperor Diocletian for the victories he had brought in the fighting. If professionally the man of of arms, have a well-defined career, since the  persecution of Christians ordered by the Emperor in 303, the St. Gheorghe gave up everything and in front of Diocletian confessed his faith in God.

In those few days of the profession of faith until his rebirth in the world of the righteous, St. George has done wonders, stoically endured many vexations hard to imagine. All these  led to the conversion of many nations, including the queen Priscilla, who was named Alexandra when baptizing, also killed  by the emperor order. The Saint Gheorghe was murdered through decapitation with a sword, and is celebrated by Church on 23 of April.



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