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Aquaventura Park, RoșioriCod 1541

Aquaventure is one of the largest thermal bath and spa park in the county of Teleorman.

The access inside the adventure park will imply a charge of 10 lei and for renting a sunbed, the amount of 2.5 lei. Starting with the last week of August free access is granted.

The services available within the park involves a restaurant and the organization of theme parties. Aquaventure’s daily schedule is 9:00 – 22:30.

There are several versions regarding the origin of the name of the municipality Roșiorii de Vede today (previously known mainly as Russenart, Ruși or Rușii de Vede).

Before the foundation of the Second Wallachian-Bulgarian Empire, the city of Cerven (Roșu) – located on a huge rock on Lomul Negru River, approx. 30 km. south of Giurgiu, in present Bulgaria  – was the center of one of the Vlach “kingdoms”, under the whirl of many state transformations and migrations; in a constant dispute, but uneven, with Imperials Byzantines. The city had, around 1200, more than ten thousand inhabitants, being the the largest settlement between the Danube and the Balkans. Its name comes from the leader of the city – Red Emperor (Cerven in slavic). This one, in defiance of Constantinople, wore a red cape, red – purple – being the the mark of the Byzantine emperor power. After the uprising of the Asăneştilor against Imperials (1186), Ioan Asan I (one of the three Vlach brothers, leaders of the revolt) got married to Mary, daughter of the last king of Cerven and the city became part of the new bran. Name of Mary is mentioned in some Slavic writings by Moria. Ioan Asan and all who followed him to reign in Tîrnovo, until the end of the Vlach-Bulgarian kingdome, wore, not only red boots and red tunic, like the Emperors of Rome, but also the red mantle of Mary’s father, the king of the Cerven, as can be seen in the Evangheliar of Tsar loan Alexandru, son in law of Basarab I.

In a slavic apocryphon from the XI century – Tale about the prophet Isaiah – tit is said that this famous citadel of the Thracians had been rebuilt by Emperor Ghega, nicknamed Otdelean (in translatioa, the one with a country apart ) and  Borila’s Synodicon reminds of three metropolitans of Cerven. Since 1965, since when is dug in an organized manner at the Red Emperor’s citadel, it began to take shape a true and forgotten Wallachian capital: the ruins of two metropolises, of 15 churches, of dozens of palaces, endles streets and fortifications. The town sits over the foundations of a Roman fort which was part of Limes Transalutanus (sec.III.en).

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