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The Teleorman County Museum, AlexandriaCod 1518

In 1934, during the centenial celebration of the town of Alexandria, the city counsil decides to found a town museum to display and keep documents found in different archives, as well as some materials that proved the existence and culture of the population in these parts. The museum was instated, in the beginning, in a room in the city hall building and in 1936 it was moved to a building in the „Victor Antonescu” Cultural palace.

On May 1st 1952 they opened, in a real way, an Alexandria History museum, where they diplayed documents regarding the town founding, coins, ceramics, material evidence from different historical eras.

From 1974, the Alexandria History City Museum becomes the Teleorman History county museum. It holds an archeology collection, mostly from the neolitical and Gheto Dacian eras, with numerous objects from the resorts in Ciolănesti Deal, Măgura, Siliştea, Vităneşti, Albeşti, Orbeasca de Sus, Zimnicea etc., but also a numismatics collection represented by various monatary treasures found in Alexandria, Balta Sărată, Poiana, Poroschia, Schitu, Sfinţeşti, Ulmeni etc. A valuable ethnographical area collection is enhanced by a permanent ward exhibit.

Between 1998 and 2004 it participated in an international Romanian British research project.

Between 2003 and 2004 it ran a research program of the agriculture collectivization process  in Teleorman county, program financed by the United States of America Government through the Public Business Section in Bucharest and the “Prietenii Muzeului” Association.

It also ran other national or international archeological research projects that targeted eras like the Paleolithic era (together with the French Archeological Mission in Romania and the „Vasile Pârvan” Archeology Institute in Bucharest, 2006-2008) and the Middle ages (together with the Braila Museum, 2006-2009).

Between 2009 and 2011 it was a local partner and beneficiary in the „Măgura. Past & Present” project, part of a project with European financing called „Art lanscape transformation”, part of the „Cultura 2007-2013” Program.

Nowadays, it is running a research project regarding the neo-eneolitic habitation in south west Wallachia, together with the National History Museum of Romania, a project with more stages of development that started in 2006.

To the end of museum enhancement of the patrimony held, aside from the exhibi one, the Teleorman county museum has run and is running a number of educational programs:

– The Museum source of culture and education program, initiated in 2003, addressed especially to the school age public, based on the partnerships closed with the education institutions.

– The Museum visits you…Program, that begun in 2013, targets the museum presentation and that of the different general interest themes (history, archeology, ethnography) in town in Teleorman county, especially those in the rural enviroment.

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