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„Assumption of the Virgin” Church, CorbeniCod 1614

The founder dedicates the hermitage, as metochion, of Bishopric of Ramnicu Valcea, in 1745.
This was endowed with a vineyard from Gainesti hill and part of his possession by Ieromonahul of Bals, Partenie. The founder, Matei Bârzeanu appears on November 9, 1755 as mark off the Liosti estate. Ruining the wooden church and twigs, in 1805, Nicolae Popa kir marshal, Ioanichie Preda – brother – and marshal Nicolae Măinescu begin construction of a church of brick and stone, which was finished in September 29th 1809.
Between 1810-1812, the church from Măineşti was painted, and received the name of “Saint Hierarch Nicholas”. On May 17th, 1813 a scrap of the scribe Ion Măinescu shows that this church was built of stone. It is known that on these lands of Olteţ had been an outlaws Iancu Jianu.
After the disbandment of the hermitage, after the departure of Greek monks, the building became a parish church and, being isolated, without population around, no one took care of it. Only after a hundred years since the establishment of the hermitage appear around it thirty families who, for religious necessities, turn to Church of St. Paraskevi in Balş.
Because of the poor condition in 1926, the church of the hermitage is closed to public worship. In 1930, priest Ioan Ochișor makes some small repairs and puts tin roof. The church reopens in 1941, when here it is called the priest refugee from Bessarabia, Paul Mateevici. This one makes some repairs, plugging the cracks in walls, but after a few years he leaves the place and church ruins. After several interventions of the priest Ioan Ochișor in 1959 are made forms for its renovation, but the priest leaves the parish after five years, which is taken over by another priest from parish Bârza, Olt County. This one is uninterested in the fate of the church which continues to ruin. It was only in 1979, that the church was renovated and covered again.
The church is built of brick wall, 70 cm thick, in shape of a ship. It is divided into sanctuary, nave and narthex. The iconostasis is of wall. The nave is bordered from the nave by a brick wall which has an opening in the middle, as a small door and two side openings.
On the nave is an octagonal blind tower, having outside eight high, narrow windows. Light enters the altar through a window located on the east and within the nave by two windows on the south wall and one on the north. The windows are 80 cm tall and narrow.

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