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“Ayazmoto” Historical area close to Ruyno villageCod 2466

Ayazmoto Demir Baba Tekke from Ruyno village, Silistra, Dulovo region is unique as the center of 3 different religions from 3000 years ago. It is equally venerated by the Alevis, Sunnis and Christians.
It is difficult to know to which God it prays the owner of a piece of fabric or paper with wishes written on it, attached to a metal grille over the holy spring with healing water. The same people, of different religions drink water from the same pots. They all have equal confidence and hope that the Almighty will give them health, love and prosperity.
The area is linked to the residence of the Muslim saint Demir Baba, literally “Iron Father” from the middle of the 16th century, as described in his biography “Vilyaetnaame” and is connected with kazalbashite as an ethnic group. At the foot of the hill there is a healing spring ayazmo after which the village was named. The main attraction is ayazmo – a small cave, with a slit in the bottom stream, which appeared after Demir Baba threw his sword in the rock.

According to legend, later Demir Baba left the cave near Ruyno village and established in the valley near Sveshtari close to Isperij, where there is his stone tomb. He is idolatrised and there is a place for worshipping him there.

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