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Danube Park – SilistraCod 2403

The Danube Park is the first public garden and park on the Danube in Bulgaria. The park was created 100-150 years ago and it was first mentioned in 1870 in the “Turkey” newspaper. The Park is the host for some unique species protected and marked with different signs so as to differ from other trees.
From the promenade which starts from the entrance in the park and continues o he Danube there are a lot of benches and a wide variety of trees. “The Tunnel” is a row of chestnut trees grouped together in the shape of a tunnel. In the warm summer the park is a wonderful place for relaxation with the cold breeze from the Danube. At the eastern side of the park on the Danube side there is “Drustar” hotel offering a big pool and also long rides with the both on the river. The Danube Park has 3 playgrounds, a fountain with frogs, bronze pelicans all over and even a monument of Georgi Mamarchev, but its charm comes from the ruins of the old castles who appeared to be giant humps of a camel alongside the coast. In the evening the people come to watch the sunset over the river and the passing ships.

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