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Tutrakan ( Turtucaia ) Danube ParkCod 2440

Danube Park in Tutrakan City is located right next to the Danube River, which in this section is up to 1 km wide. The park was completely renovated and covers an area of nearly 12 acres. There are several recreational areas, cultural and sport events, walks through history and games for children. Nearby is the Tutrakan island, which is already almost completely attached to the continent. In the western part of the park it was built a model of a floating mill. Tutrakan floating mills were placed on the river in front of the city and were known all over Europe.
In the central part of the park there are biodiversity alleys, where visitors can get acquainted with the richness in species of the area. The restored north wall of the ancient fortress “Transmariska” is also nearby and in front of it there is a tourist information center. The 4 m height monument of the Danube pike reminds of the town’s glory as a center of fishing. In the port could once be counted almost 5,000 boats. In the outdoor amphitheatre with 250 seats, are often held concerts of classical and contemporary music, theatre and dance.
Also the biggest events of Tutrakan such as the Apricot Festival and the Danube Fire show – part of the traditional celebration of the river, are held here.

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