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“Holy Trinity” Orthodox Church – AlfatarCod 2405

“Holy Trinity” Orthodox Church is a cultural monument. The building of the church started in 1846 and it is a stone building with three naves and apses on the east wall. On the west entrance it was built a small shelter – box, storage temple icon.
Such architectural additions to the façade are not common in our church architecture, fact that determines the uniqueness of the landmark. Also significant are the numerous wall decoration with blind arcades. It was discovered that under the current plaster there are hidden unique murals, which were covered by plaster after the burning of the building in the second half of the nineteenth century. The throne and iconostasis door carved decorations are also attention worthy. In the church are kept the original icons of the Tryavna school of painters Dosyu Dosyuv Kosyuv Angel – 1846. The exhibits include icons of the Virgin Mary, St. Trinity, St. Dimitar, St. John the Baptist, Saint Charalambos.

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