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Ali Baba – Varnentsi villageCod 2453

The monastery was established in the eighteenth century and is one of the oldest religious centres, dedicated to serving the sun in law of Mohammed Prophet – Ali. There is a legend about the healing abilities of Ali Baba, who was able to heal the daughter of King Shishman. To express their gratitude, the king gave him land to build a monastery.
Outside is a religious building where are buried the four mentors of the monastery from different ages. In the 1970s following an order of the communist Party to destroy religion the monastery buildings were destroyed. It was left only the building holding the remains of the four spiritual students of Alevi.
The Alevi are Shiites Muslims, influenced by the Bektashi Sufi orders organization. The migration is in Bulgarian lands in the 30s of the 16th century. Alevi religious system in Bulgarian Mixes Turkish, Islamic, dualist and Christian features.

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