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LANDMARK OFF ROAD – Nova ChernaCod 2449

In June in Nova Cherna village since 2010 is held annually the OFF ROAD competition – Nova Cherna. The race is part of the off-road trophy state championship “Bulgarian Challenger Trophy”.
Each year, the organizers select a new route in the area, to surprise the crews with new challenges. In 2015 attended more than 50 teams from Bulgaria, Greece and Romania. The competition is held on three categories – expert, hobby and ATVs. The event lasts for two days, the first day of competition the race is with a map for navigation, and the second – moving on a strong discontinued place. The competitors and the public remain to spend the night in tents on the local football stadium, and the good mood of the visitors is kept by the rock bands and the masters which prepare the fish soup and barbecue.
In the recent years OFFROAD – NOVA CHERN has become the largest competition in the country and the OFFROAD trail succeed to create difficulties to the most qualified applicants and the most experienced thrill seekers.

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