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Radetzki Island close to Tutrakan (Turtucaia)Cod 2446

Radetski Island is located at the west of Tutrakan City (Turtucaia) and almost adjacent to the coast. During summer the water is low, the width of the channel between the island and the shore is reduced to a few meters. Beautiful sand beaches can be noticed. Despite its proximity to the city, Radetski island is not cultivated because of the high water – much of it being flooded. It is covered in forests, and here is the only Bulgarian habitat of the swamp cypress. The top and the northern part of the island also have wonderful sand strips, shelter for hundreds of water birds, including pelicans, grey herons, pygmy cormorants and others. To reach the island in low water season, please contact the local association for tourism or the fishermen you will find in shelters at the eastern end of the quay wall.

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