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Botev’s Route: Vratsa – Iolkovitsa Locality – Mount Okolchitsa, VratsaCod 2788

The trail starts near Vratsa–Sofia road at the fork leading to the village of Pavolche, climbing up a woodland path to a small terraced clearing in Kurdovitsa locality. The path meanders to take you to a vast meadow, Taushanitsa locality, then again enters the woods and up a brook leads to Leskovoto Kladenche. Here the trail turns left climbing steeply through beech woods, leading to fascinating meadows on the ridge in Vola locality and then to Izbata locality, a vast sloping pasture with a big drinking water fountain. From here, you have to take a stony cart track, which you have to leave after the turn to tread a path leading to Botev’s death place in Iolkovitsa locality. From here, the monument near Mount Okolchitsa is within 20-minute walking distance.

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