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Church “Holy Trinity”, PlevenCod 2224

“Holy Trinity” is a church in the town of Pleven.

In 1870 residents of Upper Pleven consider building a new temple. Originally built church cell that serves for nearly 40 years of religious activities for school children from the area.

Fundraiser for the temple began in 1873, but political and financial reasons delaying construction for 20 years in 1893 established a committee to take care of the preparation and construction of the temple. The committee is headed by the mayor Hristo Danailov. The project for the church was made by the city architect Vyacheslav Gavarda. Construction was awarded the Entrepreneurship of Tryavna Ivan District.

In the sacred endeavor Pleven receive support from their spiritual shepherd Bishop Constantine Vrachanski. He often intercede with officials to grant funds, and when the temple construction was in progress, he allowed the placement of illuminated corporal and performed the worship.

The first Mass is held on Michaelmas in 1898 by the Pleven vicar Archpriest Antony Popov. Days before masters Stephen and Avram Vassilevi – carvers like Filipovi from the village Osoy, Debar, complete bishop’s throne and royal gates.

The iconostasis was made in 1899. He is tall and tightly built, not carved – personal preference of Vratsa Bishop Constantine. Development of the icons of the iconostasis is entrusted to Daniel Nesterov from village Galichnik and his assistants are his cousin Oventiy Isachev and Alex Vassilev. His are 8 main icons with their children and two altar doors. In the archives occurs name of another painter – Adolf Selov who created icons of the “Holy Trinity” for the right iconostasis and several small icons.

The construction of the temple continued for 19 years and was consecrated on May 14, 1912.

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