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Church St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, BerkovitsaCod 2156

The church “Saint Nicholas” from gr.Berkovitsa is one of the most remarkable architectural monuments of the city. A three-nave church, built back in 1871 by Master George Novakov Dzhongar. Later, the church was enlarged and rebuilt, as in 1898. Was, also built a bell tower. The facade of the church has changed its appearance several times over the years, which is the contribution of several craftsmen builders. Today “Saint Nicholas” impresses by its rich interior and exterior decor, by its picturesque decorations and ancient frescos. In the cemetery is the old school building “Vasil Levski”. Nowadays, is located here the urban art gallery with a collection of over 1,500 works of art, divided into different categories – painting, graphics, sculptures, icons and more.

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