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Church “Virgin Mary” (1885), Cherven BryagCod 2284

It was built in 1885. It was declared a cultural monument.
It is believed that the festival “Assumption of the Blessed Virgin” was established by the apostles. The stories of miraculous ascension in the flesh of the Mother of God in the Heavens belong to the IV century; for him mention Blaj. Augustine and Jerome and Yuvenaliy Patriarch of Jerusalem (420-458) approve before Emperor Marcian veracity of these stories. The day of celebration of the Assumption was established by Emperor Maurice (592-602). Blessed death of the Virgin Mary is glorified in the canons of St. Cosmas Mayumski and St. John of Damascus. From ancient times the feast is preceded by a post that combines in himself two ancient post: formerly some Christians fasted before the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord and others – before the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

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