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Gorna Koriya Reserve, BerkovitsaCod 2134

This was declared a reserve with total area of 161 hectares of forest. Here there was a timber industry until March 28, 1968 when it was declared a reserve in order to preserve the spruce fir forests of Stara Planina, and the only population of capercaillie in northern Bulgaria. The reserve also has a water catchment area.
Located on the northern slopes of the Western Balkans under mount Kom. Its total area is 161 hectares, of which 146.1 ha, are wooded and 14.9 without trees. Located at an altitude of 1100-1700 m (average 1500 m) with exposure to the north, northwest and northeast.
The trees are represented by Beech trees (160 years), spruce and fir trees (are also sycamore and ash trees) with partial coverage.
Fauna is represented by deer, wild boars, wolves, foxes, wild cats and rare capercaillie (single nests, an endangered species).

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