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“St. Nicholas the Wonderworker” Church, BarziaCod 2166

Church “St. Nikolay”, known as the “Latin Church” is located at a low height, in the center of the village Barzia. One can climbe to it from the square in front of the municpality. According to locals, the church was built in the sixteenth century. In the nineteenth century, because of population growth, the church was enlarged by six meters. This happened probably in 1865 because the cup is dated March 9th, 1866. The church was rebuilt during the 20th century. The church is a basilica, the original wall from the south was dug into the rock and has no windows. Murals are since 1870 and are the work of an unknown and inexperienced painter. A few years ago, the iconostasis has been replaced by a new one, re-sculpted, but far less artistic than the old. Imperial doors of the old iconostasis are set in the church nave and over them the sculpture is made in the second half of the nineteenth century. The symbols are made later. Today, the church has been completely renovated, but has lost its authenticity, carrying the spirit of bygone eras.

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