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History Museum, LomCod 2102

History Museum in the town of Lom was founded on September 20, 1925 by the Archaeological Society of Lom “Almus” at the initiative of Dr. Peter Kardzhiev (who graduated medical school in St. Petersburg, and was Mayor of Shumen). Its management is performed by the management and control committee elected by the general assembly. The members of the first Board includes Simeon Tabakov, Ms. Kostova, Dr. P. Kardzhiev, Dr. M. Tabakov and B. Simeonov and the control committee – St. Dimovski and St. Toshev. Dr. Kardzhiev was elected president, because of his great love for history, and he worked relentlessly to collect, preserve and promote “people’s memory” of 1950.
Beginning with the year 1992, with the occasion of the spring biggest Christian celebration, Easter, is presented to citizens and guests of the Lom exhibition “the same colorful things” – painted eggs by Dimitar Marinov (ethnographer, folklorist and publicist) collected in the late nineteenth century. The house has a courtyard where are performed chamber folklore programs. The museum building has a piano; the main building has a very good acoustics and allows the organization of chamber music concerts. The building, which today is a museum of history, was built after the Liberation (80s of the nineteenth century), at the initiative of Lom’s first district captain, captain Pavel Dmitrievich Nechaev, and was destined to the Municipal House. On the west and on southern facade of the building, at the insistence of Captain Nechaev, were built five epigraphic monuments from Roman times.

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