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International Folklore Festival “Dances along the Danube”, VidinCod 2624

International Folklore Festival “Dances Along the Danube” is part of the national cultural calendar and aims:

– Storage and distribution of folk heritage of Vidin region and other folklore regions of Bulgaria as part of a united Europe;

– The introduction and incorporation of folklore in the cultural values of other countries and the creation of international cultural partnerships;

– Enriching the cultural life of the city of Vidin. Promoting Vidin’s rich, cultural and historical heritage, its natural resources and supporting the development of cultural tourism.

The festival is not a competition and has international participation. Was held periodically, for two years in July.

The festival is organized by the Community Center “Color” and is under the patronage of the mayor of Vidin.

The festival has the following motto: ” To live together in peace and to celebrate our friendship with song and dance “. The festival is a registered mark.



– At the festival participate dancers, singers and musicians dressed in national costumes representing their country’s folklore;

– Ensembles with accompanying personnel should not exceed 35 persons;

– The concert program of a compositions is from 15 to 40 minutes;

– The participants send advertising material, biography and video;

– The participants carry the national flag;

– The cost of food and accommodation shall be borne by the organizers. Groups are accommodated in a hostel for youth;

– Transport costs are borne by the participants;

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