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Izvorski Monastery “Assumption of the Virgin”, VidinCod 2669

Izvorski monastery is located 2 km south of Izvor village, 9 km away from the town of Dimov and approximately 40 km from the city of Vidin.
Monastery Izvorski can be reached on the main road (E79) from Vidin to Montana.
The legend says that Izvorski monastery was founded in the 12th century by Russian prince Tabor. After the fall of Vidin kingdom the monastery was plundered and destroyed by the Turks, the monks were killed and the survivors left the monastery and Izvorski. There are no specific data about the history of the monastery during the Ottoman rule.
In the middle of 17th century the monastery was restored at the initiative of Izvorski priest Sylvestre. According to the file from a handwritten biography, the monastery was called St. Ephrem Sirni formerly “dry creek”, and then was named “Izvorski”. In the 18th century at the monastery came regularly people from the surrounding villages, and some peasants and nobles were buried in her yard. In 1860 the Izvorski monastery was ruled by the abbots, the last one of them was monk Agapi who was persecuted and fled to Serbia in 1861. The other monks Cyril Gabriel and Chrysanthos, built in 1864 the iconostasis. Three monks are buried int he courtyard of the monastery located behind the altar.
Izvorski monastery in 1915 acquired the status of abbey and creates a fraternity of three nuns and three novices. In 1923 is required the reopening of the church, which was painted by Zheliazkov Serbezov.
In 1965 the abbess of the Izvorski monastery was mother Apolinar, between 1965-2004. Mother Natalia was abbess since the beginning of 2004. Abbot of the monastery is now Archimandrite Vasily, who takes the overall development of the monastery complex. Today Izvorski monastery works with monks. Izvorski monastery has beds for 20 people, rooms with private bathrooms and satellite TV. The monastery dining room is for 40 people.
Tourist attractions near the Izvorski monastery are: “Magura” Cave (25 km); The Rocks (22 km); “Drenovets” Dam (10 km); Rabisha Lake (15 km).

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