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Kartala Waterfall, Veliko TarnovoCod 2487

Kartala Waterfall can be seen if you are walking along the road between Veliko Tirnovo and Transfiguration Monastery to Kartala Peak. The waterfall is about 8-10 m. Its location is easy to find – from Veliko Tirnovo city go to the north through the neighbohood or to the northwest through the Varusha neighborhood. Sidewalks along the pathways routes to rock crown over Transfiguration Monastery, and the distance can be crossed on foot in 40 minutes. One can pass through Holy Transfiguration Monastery on his way to Veliko Tirnovo. This route is longer, but it is very interesting, becuse there is an opportunity to visit several caves.

The waterfalls are located on a small stream in a wooded valley, which opens onto Dervent gorge, which is formed, in the north of the city, by the waters of the Yantra river. It has only a few leaps, respectively with a height of a few meters, surrounded by cliffs and vegetation. Kartala Waterfalls are so named after the name of the village Kart, located obove them. Today that area is built and it is the one of the newest neighborhoods in the city of Veliko Tirnovo.
Around the Kartala Waterfalls an eco-route is built, which is marked with an yellow band and which was recently renewed. The beautiful stable wooden bridges help to unhindered passing from one end to the other end of the river. There are benches and tables separated (for lovers of comfort), and the route itself is aimed very easy – besides that, handrails and steps are fitted where are steep places. Shadows under the forest canopy are a great retreat on hot days, and around one can see beautiful and rare flowers such as wild peony.

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