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“Magura” Wine Cellar, RabishaCod 2659

“Magura” Wine cellar was established in 1967 in the village Rabisha. It is located in one of the most mysterious and beautiful places in Bulgaria, between the Danube and the red sandstone cliffs of the natural phenomenon Belogradchik and Magura cave. The idea of creating a winery comes from the domestic and international market needs for high quality wines and champagne. The “Bats” gallery, which is part of the Magura cave for decades, was transformed into a place for aging fine wines. The soil and climatic conditions of the area around the hill Rabishka approach to those of the French region of Champagne, from here is naturally produced the best Bulgarian sparkling wine, by a classic wine-processing technology. The wine is stored and slowly matures into a cave deep underground. The constant temperature of 12 ° C, the darkness and humidity are adequate in the bowels of “Bat Geleri” for lowland conditions. The traditional technology ages the bottle in three years and turna the grape juice into a delicate sparkling wine with a unique flavor.
In addition to sparkling wine “Magura” the natural winery specializes in producing red and white wines of high quality. The Rabisha area gathered the concept of terroir favorable for the development of varieties of red and white wine. In 2008, the winery began to create their own vineyards in the village. Rayanovtsi with Rabisha varieties of Pinot Gris, Muscat Vratsa, Chardonnay, Riesling and Gamza. For the production, apart from its own vineyards, the winery buys grapes from controlled vineyards near Harmanli.
Modern wines bear a unique regional character of sounding and are manufactured with minimal IT intervention. The wine cellar is equipped with the most modern technology in the production of wine and complies with all European standards. The aging and maturation process is made in their high quality French, Bulgarian and American oak barrels, Italian wooden vats, which are crucial to the style of wine production. For their quality have won numerous awards of prestigious international competitions.

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