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Memorial House Sulmona, ConstanțaCod 1111

The house was built in the year 1890.

The apartment and its stone surrounding have been taken from the antique citadel Tomis. Currently, in the building functions the Full-time kindergarten no. 16.

Tomis, today’s Constanța, has been founded over 2500 years ago by the Greek navigators and bargainers who came from the city Milet (Asia Minor), attracted by the sheltered offered by the cove and the peninsula formed on the shore of the Black Sea, as well as the very good exchange of products made with the commandors of the local population, the Getae.

The period of great blooming of Tomis is situated around the middle of the Ist century A.D., when, together with the settlement of the Roman occupation over the land between Istros (the Danube) and Pont Euxin (the Black Sea), which became a Roman province, the citadel reaching at the level of capital. During this time there were built up temples and grandiose constructions, public markets and thermae (baths), workshops for processing marble, there were built new streets and new districts.

But the blooming citadel is devastated by the Avars in th year 601.

A few centuries later, on the ruins of Tomis there was blossoming a small establishment of fishermen, from which, step by step, in the following centuries, there was developed Constanța.

The remains of the former civilization are met in today’s city, every step of the way. There can also be seen in today’s Constanța the remains of the Roman wall which closed at North – West the citadel of Tomis and the ruins of the gates from West and North, through which there can be seen the exit from the citadel.

The Roman construction with mosaic, the most precious architectural complex discovered, dates back to the centuries III – IV. The paving of this construction with thick and tall walls is formed from the colored pieces of mosaic, the drawings representing geometrical and floral figures. Through the artistic conception and its dimensions, the mosaic from Constanța ranks among the first ones of this type from the world. It seems that the construction, having at the middle level and at basement storehouses for goods and a small square, which served for bargaining, being at the same time a production site of the goods and of their storage.

Other numerous vestiges of the citadel of Tomis are found in the city’s museum, among which there are numbered special pieces, such as the marble statue of the goddess Fortuna, the protector of the citadel of Tomis, together with Pontos, the god of the Black Sea, the statue, also of marble, of the snake Glycon (an Assian divinity), etc.

At the Citadel Tomis spent his last years of life the great Latin poet Ovidiu, who recorded in his works (“Tristele” and ”Ponticele”), precious information about the life and the habits of the autochton Getae.


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