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The Archeological Site Biogas Station, MangaliaCod 1211

The archeological site biogas station of Mangalia was discovered in the period 1992 – 1996, in this area being situated the center of the Roman – Byzantine necropolis.

Either it was name Cerbatis or Acervatis, Callatis, Pangalia, Mankalia or Mangalia, the geographical position of this place always placed him in the middle of history. It became the oldest establishment known in the country, being in the same time the theater of all the extremely important political, social and economical events, which generated throughout the time the change of identity, but without affecting the essence of the place: a bit of the Greek brightness, a bit of the Slavs cheer, a bit of the power of the Turkish spirit and a pinch of the deep Romanian intelligence, associated with the introspection feeling.

Following the archeological researches, there have been discovered tombs from the Roman and Roman – Byzantine era, among them, there were three tombs of hypogeum type, one of them being distinguished by the very large number of inhumation, 38.

The first tomb holds a bronze thurribulum, and the access is made through four steps executed from limestone dales, among them also the entrance in the funerary room there was a floor represented by live ground. The walls of the entrance are executed from small limestone blocks connected with ground.

The second tomb is executed of limestone blocks connected with mortar (sea sand, chalk, carbon, smashed bricks).

The third tomb has a cross painted with red paint, in the funerary room, above the entrance. This type of tombs can date back to the IV – VI centuries.

The most important are the ruins of a rectangular construction which is supposed to date from the IV – V centuries. Among the archeological materials discovered, there were listed a fragment of altar table made of marble and a fragment of altar table post, which makes us think at the fact that these places were situated in Basilica Coemeterialis, of the great Roman – Byzantine necropolis of Callatis.

There is also noticed the existence of some tombs from the Hellenistic and Roman era, indicating the expansion of the Callatis necropolis from these eras up to this area and their overlapping by the great Roman – Byzantine necropolis.

The researches also brought to light a concrete tank which also belonged to the biogas station.

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