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Mount Okolchitsa – Pogledets Locality – Rashov Dol Locality – Lutibrod Village, VratsaCod 2789

From the monument on Mount Okolchitsa you have to go down the road to Vratsa. In about 40 minutes you have to turn to the left and through a vast limestone pavement with a pen, the path goes down to Pogledets locality, where there is an arbour. Climbing further down through Krivulio locality past Pogledets shelter, it turns to the right at a hairpin bend of the meandering road (Pankov’s Curve). Then it continues to Promkata locality, from where it descends steeply to Rashov Dol locality. A broad pathway leads to the road from the village of Lutibrod to Vratsa, crosses the railroad and past the Ritlite rock formation climbs down to the village of Lutibrod. It is Botev Memorial Complex that maintains the trail.

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