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The Art Museum – The Water Tower, OltenițaCod 1274

The Art Museum of the municipality of Oltenița has been opened for the public in the year 2001. This museum, until present unique in the country, because of the fact that it is installed in an unconventional space, in a construction destined specially for the redistribution of the drinking water for the habitants of the […]

The Museum of Civilization Gumelnița, OltenițaCod 1273

The museum was founded in the year 1957, on the basis of a donation formed of 902 archeological pieces, made by Barbu Ionescu, with the profession of accountant, who was also the first manager of the museum until 1968. In 1968, it was assigned as manager Done Șerbănescu, who reorganized and modernized the museum. The […]

The Monument of Russian Heroes, OltenițaCod 1272

It isn’t much known about the fact that the first fight from the Crimea War was held in Romania, in the proximity of the city of Oltenița, founded in the spring of the year 1853. In the summer of the same year, it arrived in Oltenița an infantry Russian brigade and six cavalry troops ordered […]

The Monument of Heroes, OltenițaCod 1271

Inaugurated on the 29th of June 1930, the monument is situated in the center of the town and it is the work of the sculptor Ion Iordănescu. Under the shape of an elongated pyramid frustum, the pedestal is executed from parallelepiped blocks of limestone; it is surmounted by a statuary group ronde – bosse, molded […]

Saint Nicholas Church, OltenițaCod 1270

The foundations of the first church from Oltenița were set together with the foundation of the town, in the spring of the year 1853, as it has been affirmed also by Al. Mărculescu in a history of the town. On the foundation of this first church from the city of Oltenița, there was set the […]

Saint Gheorghe Church, OltenițaCod 1269

The necessity of the edification of a new church in the municipality Oltenița was noticed by the priest Dumitru Titus Dumitrică, when he was nominated as servant church for the people from the south side of the Saint Nicholas Congregation. After more than sixty years from the last founding of a place of worship in […]

God’s Ascension Church – Eroilor, OltenițaCod 1268

For the construction of a new halidom, the city hall of Oltenița donated a land with a surface of 3000 square meters. The archpriest parish district of the county of Ilfov, Circa no. 2, Budești, where the archpriest parish district formerly had its residence. Together with the city hall there has been summoned on the […]

Saint Michael and Gabriel Church, Negoiești, ȘoldanuCod 1267

The church with the titular saint of Saint Archangel from the village Negoești, commune Șoldanu, and county of Călărași is founded by Lady Elena, the wife of the Ruler Matei Basarab from the year 1649. At the beginning, it was a monk monastery and it was composed of the halidom of the church, the houses […]

The Memorial House Alexandru Sahia, MănăstireaCod 1266

The museum is organized in the parental home of the writer Alexandru Sahia (1908 – 1937), immobile occupied until the year 1963, when it was sold by the writer’s father to the Museum of Civilization Gumelnița Oltenița, in the purpose of founding the memorial house. The decision of founding the commune museum was taken in […]

Saint Dumitru Church, MănăstireaCod 1265

Saint Dumitru Church is a voivode foundation, built up in the times and at the command of the voivode Matei Basarab and of his wife, Elina, in the year 1648. This thing appears from the INSCRIPTION sculpted in stone, written with block capitals in relief, which are situated over the entrance door in the narthex. […]
