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Saint Nicholas Church, Ciocăneşti – MărgineniCod 1260

The proofs of human and material existence on the territory of the commune Ciocănești are certified, starting with the Neolithic and until present, but the documentary certification of the locality is later on, for the first time Ciocănești (Pământeni) being reminded in a German document, at the 14th of July 1589, when the people from Brașov send to Călărași and Silistra a lurker to research because of the great multitude of Turkish people who gathered there. By the charter from the 25th of June 1604, given by the regnant Radu Șerban (1602 – 1610), it is sanctified the possession of the Monastery Mihai – Vodă from Bucharest. During the XVIIth century and the first half of the following century, other parts of the property Ciocănești get into the possession of the Monastery Izvorani and by its means, in the command of the Monastery Mihai Vodă from Bucharest, posture in which it will remain until the year 1863, when the property is secularized and used at the land ownership of the villagers from Ciocănești – Pământeni, Ciocănești – Mărgineni and Ciocănești – Sârbi.

As for the congregation and the church from Ciocănești – Mărgineni is concerned; many documents give the date of foundation of the congregation and the construction of the church from the fence, with the titular saint of Saint Nicholas, the year 1862, the first servant of the altar being Grigore Duhovnicul.

Prof. Ștefan Carp, former teacher at the school no. 1, between 1939 and 1948, in his monographic work he writes that: On the place where this church is situated there was another smaller one, built from wood, which burned; how it has been before, it isn’t known. The one from today was built in 1869, thing which can be seen from what Pr. Fotache Ionescu left us, on a cover of missal: The holly church from the commune Ciocănești – Pământeni, being transformed according to the will of Deacă Drăgan and others, has been consecrated in the day of the descend of the Holly Spirit, Sunday, the 8th of June 1869. The year 1862 is the year of the beginning of the construction, and the year 1869, is the year when the construction of the church being finalized, it is consecrated. The existence of a church prior to the year 1862 is also attested by the existence of the mitres and of the priest Grigore at 1844.

Because it has been affected by the earthquake from the year 1940, in the year 1944 there have been executed reparation at the foundation.

The church has the configuration of a sailing ship, with the length of 16 m and the width of 9 m, it has two domes, it is from walls, and at the exterior it is supported by six abutments, which were added subsequently.

It isn’t known who painted the church for the first time. It has been redone in the year 1928, and in the year 1944 on the occasions of the works executed, it has been fully redone, in a Byzantine style, by the painter Temistocle Grigorescu, son of the commune. In the year 1979, the church has been repainted by the painter Victor Georgescu, work following which it has been re-consecrated.

The church’s church tower was built in the year 1948, it is from a wooden base on acacia pillars, covered by boards and covered with galvanized plates. It also serves as a depot for keeping the woods and the bed for the funerals.

The congregation cemetery, with a surface of 6.000 square meters, is surrounded and well maintained. The church doesn’t owe a congregation house.

The congregation permanently develops social activities dedicated to the needy families from the congregation.


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