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Saints Constantine and Helen Church, CălărașiCod 1240

Shortly after the city of Călărați becomes the capital of the county of Ialomița, in the spring of the year 1833, the number of the population almost doubled, and the city’s perimeter grows. It comes into existence a new neighborhood – Volna, in which there will settle, usually, the first inhabitants, land owners, who had a special statute in comparison with the rest of the inhabitant, who continued to pay the dues to the owner of the estate on which the city was situated – The Eforia of the Civil Hospitals-, until the year 1989, when the city will be declared free.

From the inventory drafted by the City Hall of the city of Călărași we find out the fact that the church is built on a land situated in the street Bucharest no. 103A, which came from a donation (it isn’t known whether Filip Leneș, who bought the land for the church, gave him as an act of donation and if so, when did this happened), that the surface built is of 454, 10 s.m. and the not built one is of 2746 s.m. The church built from brick and covered with plates was built-up in the year 1860 and has 3 rooms. In a report from the year 1940 it is stipulated the fact that the congregation was founded by the law of 1894, and that the church had from the beginning two titular saints: St. Emperors and St. Archangel Mihail and Gavril.

Together with the church it is found the church tower, built in the year 1860, from brick, covered with plates, having four rooms and the stores, also four rooms, built in the same year.

The church is built from burned bricks, on the foundation of bricks, as are all the buildings from that period, and covered with plates. It has the shape of a cross, having two domes: one on the narthex and another one on the nave, both being from boards and covered with plates. The church has a nave, a narthex and an altar, and in front it has an opened porch which is supported on four columns of a cylindrical form with column heads. The dimensions are the following: the length of 30 m, the width of 9 m, the height until the overhang of 6 m, and the opening of the narthex’s apses reaches the width of 15 m. The first painting of the church has been realized by the painter Costache Dumitrescu from Buzău, in the style of the school of Tătărescu, being finished as it is indicated in the text of the inscription, at the 1st of October 1860.

The congregation develops the following activities: weekly there are distributed foods to the needy church-goers, there are given financial helps to the needy church-goers for drugs. In the congregation there is permanently developed the program Christ revealed fro the children. The congregation has a functional Congregation library, owning 160 volumes of ritual books and works of the church’s writers, as well as 1482 editions of some specialty magazines.

The church with the titular saint The Emperor Saints from the municipality of Călărași is registered on the list of historical monument starting with the year 2004.


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