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SBR St. Mina, VarshetsCod 2155

SBR ( “SHR”) St. Mina is located in Varshets, on the northern slopes of the western Balkan Mountains, 90km from Sofia and 35 km from Montana. Varshets is known as a resort since 1850. The geographical location defines it as a climatic spa resort, located at 380 meters altitude on a huge hill that stores an unlimited amount of mineral water used in Roman times.

  • Zgura – drinking mineral water, bathrooms and swimming pool;
  • underwater jet massage, electrons and oxygen bath, a shower chair, URG underwater;
  • mineral mud peat
  • Physiotherapy – electricity and light;
  • Termolechenie – paraffin, cryotherapy;
  • Massage Therapy – healing massage, manual therapy, acupressure, LFK room, gym;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Psychotherapy, electrosleep, music and aromatherapy;
  • diet depending on the disease

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