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“St. Forty Martyrs” Medieval Church, LipenCod 2164

Medieval church “St. Forty Martyrs” is located 1.5 km north of the village Lipen, in the picturesque area “Monastery”, located at the foot of the mountain Pastrina. There were no reports during the construction of the church, nor to destroy it. According to local legend around the temple was situated Lipen old village, which was Bosnia during the years of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom (XII- XIV c.). Since time immemorial, people remember the church still – destroyed. Around 1950, when antiquity was visited and described by prof. Assen Vasilev, it has been well preserved parts of the apse, the north wall and west wall with the front door. Today is left even less, the front door is gone, preserved are small parts of western and northern wall, apse was almost entirely buried with soil, and the altar of the temple are two quite some overgrown trees. In church is a basilica building without    a narthex. Its dimensions are: length – 10.80 m, width – 5.75 m, wall thickness – 0.80 m. The construction is bonded stone mortar in the masonry were used wooden beams (props) today missing. The church had a semi-cylindrical vault – it is personal from the upper curve of the west wall. Even when the construction of the temple on the north wall outside were added two pilasters that come out of the line of the wall 0.20 m., If any, and the south wall is not known, because it is almost destroyed. Probably pilasters were part of the facade decoration. Prof. Vasilyev describes Old inscription carved on two adjacent stone from the western facade. The inscription has not been deciphered, but it clearly highlighted the word “king.” Around the church are flat stone, suggesting a grave of a medieval necropolis. Old age has not been studied extensively (with the exception of looters), but necessarily must be done then to make restoration and conservation, to preserve for posterity.

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