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State Theatre, ConstanțaCod 1172

In January 1951 there was founded the State Theater of Constanţa, bearing at the same time the  name of Drama and Comedy Theatre, Drama Theatre, building upon a tradition supported by amateurs or semi-professionals for three quarters of a century, not missing initiatives led by great men of theater such as V.I. Popa- who founded here during the fourth decade, the theater “Work and Light”.

Most actors- founders came from  the actors of  Bucharest National Theatre and enthusiasts of talent from Constanţa.

The inaugural show was held on 2 May 1951 with Caragiale’s masterpiece “A lost Letter” at “Elpis”hall,  the only hall in the city, where were played during a tour, after 1896 (date of construction), all of  the great achievements of the Romanian theater, operetta and magazine.

Over the years there have been played no less than 300 premieres (in the great hall and studio hall), of which many were absolute premieres, with plays by some great playwrights, famous or budding. Impressively numerous are those belonging to foreign writers, classical and contemporary, which were played for the first time in Romania at Constanţa: Goldoni- “Vacationer”, “Daughter-in-law  and mother-in-law”, Tennessee Williams- “Night of the Iguana”, Lion Feuchtwanger- “The Devil in Boston”, Giraudoux- “There will not be war in Troy,” Aldo Nicolai- “Butterflies, butterflies”, Peter Karvas- “Voluptuousness Tuesday at midnight,” Andonis Doriadis- “Opera for future dictators.”

Arising between fabulous vestiges, on places where theatre was played even 25 centuries ago, the Theatre from Constanţa granted a place of honor in its repertoire to the ancient theatre (with plays by ancient authors and contemporary dramaturgy, inspired by themes from ancient mythology).

During 1957, there were held the bi-millenial celebrations dedicated to the birth of the Latin poet Ovidius who had lived – as known in Tomis, between 8-17 A.C. (18 A.C.) through the relink ordered by Emperor Octavian Augustus. The initiative’s merit belonged to the people from Constanţa, constantly sensitive to everything related to the life and work of the great exiled. Theatre from Constanţa has presented the absolute premiere “Ovidius”, tragedy written in verse by the distinguished poet (and playwright) from Constanţa Grigore Sălceanu, much valued teacher of French language and literature, with studies at Sorbonne. And of course, with recitals of Ovidiu’s work, especially from Tristia and Pontica.

The premiere was presented on 22 September 1957, directed by the master Val Mugur and scenography – of a great refinement and modernity – by Mircea Marosin. The leading role was played with all the great qualities known by Constantin Codrescu, invited in the play. There were remarked with beautiful achievements Jean Ionescu, Marcela Sassu, Zoe Caraman, Octavian Uleu, Vasile Prisăcaru etc ..

The year 1978 has been a crucial year in the history of the theatre from Constanţa and not only. The year when was held here, the first national festival of ancient theatre in the history of Romanian theatre. The first edition of the evenings was spent between 25 – 31 August 1978 and totaled nine performances of which only one was played on stage, the rest being presented in the natural environment  or in archaeological spaces,  without special arrangements.

Currently, the State Theatre from Constanţa is a public cultural institution, under the authority of Constanţa County Council. It operates with an artistic and technical -administrative staff of 56 employees. The theatre hall has a capacity of 274 seats.


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