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The Assumption of Virgin Mary Church, DobreniCod 1020

Errected by Constantin Serban Basarab, the Saint place of worship from Dobreni Village was built between 1642-1646 , inaugurated on 15 August 1645 and  dedicated to “Assumption”.

Constantin Serban Basarab, also called  the Snub-Nosed (had his nose cut), was  the ruler of Wallachia between 19 of April 1654 – 26th of January 1658. Located on the right bank of Cociocului River, the Church, a ship-shaped building is an impressive building with a length of 19 m, a width of 9 m and a height of 17 m.

Built traditionally it has its east side arranged in a semicircle, with one tower situated on the narthex, which originally served as a steeple, to which the access was done through a door located in the narthex and a wooden spiral staircase.

The outside decorations consisted of models, arcades executed in plaster arranged on two rows and separated by a belt. The windows and front door are placed in stone frames carved in geometric patterns and  wrought iron grilles and the door is of solid wood.

Because the structural frame of the old belfry could no longer support the church’s bell, it was built a new belfry in 1935 at the entrance to the church’s courtyard. The belfry is adorned with beautiful paintings.

The church steeple consists of two steps, the first step is square-shaped, it continues with a second step octagonal shaped, whose roof is dome shaped. The latter was originally built of brick, but, because it has been destroyed following an earthquake, it was rebuilt in wood covered with iron.

The floor of the church is made of stone, and in the narthex is a part of the original painting, the votive painting depicting Constantin Serban along with his wife and daughter supporting in their hands a picture of the church distinguishes on the northern wall. Also, in the narthex, on the floor next to the eastern wall is the tomb of  Ilinca, Constantin’s mother, over which is placed a tombstone.

Works were carried out in the period 1982-1984 to strengthen the church severely affected by the earthquake from 1977 and three reinforced concrete belts joined with 14 support pillars were built.

The nave is separated from narthex by two massive brick columns supporting the main steeple.

The original painting is no longer preserved in the nave and altar, the current one dating from 1899. It was repainted between 1989-1996.

The restoration of the original painting in the narthex, started in 1998, a process that ended in 2009. The painting is of a rare beauty like the  famous monasteries of northern Moldova.

In time, the Church has undergone extensive adorning and beauty repairs, which makes it a living testimony of beauty of “dobrenari” souls, over centuries and why not of Romanians souls.

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