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The Conservation Center the “Nature”, VratsaCod 2714

The center is situated in the former mosque Eski in the city, which was declared a national culture monument. In every year there are organized diverse cultural, tourist and educational initiations. In the building you can find souvenirs, the exhibit auditoriums and the conference room.
The Eski mosque was built at the beginninf of the XIXth century, in the moment in which at that place there was accommodated the conservation center the “Nature”. It is situated in the oldest district from Vratsa – “Kemera” – at the skirts of the mountain, from where there start the principal tourist paths towards the village Zgorigrad, the cave “Ledenika” and the area Parshevitsa. The mosque isn’t used in religious purposes starting with the year 1867. Only the principal building of the temple still stands, the minaret was destroyed in an earthquake. The Eski mosque was declared a cultural monument in 1953.
In the area within GOP Vratsa Balkan protected;
Information about the paths built;
Accommodation and divertissement;
Gifts, souvenirs and promotional materials

The center organizes:
Trainings and seminars;
Puts into practice the educational programs, which work with children and with students for the surrounding environment;
Activities and campaigns regarding the protection of the environment;
Providing professional auto drivers;
It can be flied with the moto-delta-planner.

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