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Tourist Trail VRATSA – LOCUMCHETO Locality – ZAMBINA MOGILA Locality – PARSHEVITSA Hut, VratsaCod 2785

The trail starts at Natura Enviromental and Information Centre, following the road to the village of Zgorigrad and turning to the right after Vratsata Gorge takes the road to Ledenika Cave. After the first sharp turn in the road it turns to the left on a beaten cart track. Then a mountain path takes you to the main road again to turn to the left at the next sharp turn. The path then crosses a ravine with a running stream and through marvellous beech woods climbs up Lokumcheto ridge to reach the main road once again. Walking about one kilometer on this road, you have to turn to the right and come to the labour service men’s fountain in a ravine. From the fountain you have to continue uphill, crossing the meandering road to reach the fork in the road to Ledenika and Parshevitsa Huts. Here you have to go to the left to Parshevitsa Hut.

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