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Tourist March “Po Patya na Botevata Cheta”, VratsaCod 2744

The march represents the way on which the rebel Hristo Botev and his followers walked on during the Russian-Turkish war. After landing on the shore of Kozloduiy, they started to encourage the people from the local villages to follow them and fight for the freedom of their homeland. Sadly very few people followed the rebellion march and the rebels were crushed by the Turkish army and died like heroes in the name of their homeland. In 1947, in memory of the brave national heroes, group of tourists went on same way as the rebels and this became a tradition. The march starts every year on the 27th of May till the 2nd of June, starting from the shore of Kozloduiy and ending at the peak of Okoltchica, the place where the rebels found their end. In 1976 the march made a record by gathering 8600 tourists.

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