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The Dramatic Puppet Theatre, VratsaCod 2701

The theatre has been founded in 1938, under the name of the “regional theatre Vratsa” by the director Anastas Popdimitrov. His first performance was on the 27th of August 1938 and it was formed as a traveling theatre. The peak period was in 1960 – 1970, when it is reached his creative maturity and in 1978 it moves in the recent opened building – the “Culture Palace”.

On the 27th of August of the year 1938, the regional theatre Vratsa gives his first performance “The Secret”. The inauguration of the first season of the regional theatre Vratsa is made on 09th of October 1938 on the stage from the old building.

On the 20th of January of the year 1941 it was opened the new building the “Development” and the architects of the project were Vassilev and Tsolov. For the moment it is a modern building in the center of the community from the north – west of Bulgaria. The auditorium has 600 places. Therefore, the regional theatre Vratsa acquires a permanent base of its own. In this season, the theatre for the first time in his history, serves the youngest fans and lets the children to play.

In the preparation for the season 1948 – 1949, the theatre started as the National Theatre Vrachanski and its theatre accomplishments unveil the first revision of the contemporary Bulgarian drama from Sofia (the 5th of June – the 2nd of July, 1952).

On the 9th of October, the year 1963, the National Theatre from Vratsa celebrates a quarter of a century, which is associated with the name of Stephen Kortenski Ivan, Petia Georgieva, Radi Tamadzhiev, George Fratev, Dimitar Panov, Georgi Kranzov, Nedyalcho Cernev, Dr. Pravda Atanosova and many other major Bulgarian artists in collaboration with Krystju Sarafov, Ivan Dimov, Stefan Surchadzhiev, Krystju Mirski, Konstantin Kisimov, using the stage names Nicholas Faull and Orlin Vasilev. For 25 years, the theatre exported approximately 7.200 shows of 150 viewed played of over 2, 5 millions of viewers. In this season, for the first time in the country, at the stage of the National Theatre Vratsa presents the historical drama “Despot Dobrotitsa”.

The National Theatre Vratsa opened the season 1965 – 1966, renamed as the Theatre Vrachanski.

In the second half of the years ’60 and the beginning of the years ’70 the Theatre Vratsa enters in a period of creative maturity and it was established as one of the cultural institutions from the north – west of Bulgaria.

At the beginning of the year 1968, in the lounge from the basement of the “Development” it was created the chamber theatre with 144 places, which is a permanent place in the cultural life of Vratsa and, consequently, it became a presentation center of the achievements of the “small” theatre forms from 1977 until present.

Starting with the month of June 1978, the theatre was transferred at the new opened Palace of the Culture building.

Certificate of dramatic art of the dramatic theatre Vratsa in this period the shows: “The undersigned” by Al. Gelman, “The daughter-in-law” by Ibsen, “The Sagadeev Process” by Az. Abdulin, “The House of the White Bernarde” by F. G. Lorka, “The great family” by M. Minkov and others.

Starting with the year 2000, the Dramatic Theatre and the Puppet Theatre are united in Dramatic – The Puppet Theatre Vratsa.

The Dramatic – Puppet Theatre Vratsa has its own theatre building with a great auditorium, with 748 places, a chamber auditorium with 100 places, the puppet auditorium with 80 places and a ballet auditorium with 70 places.
The group is formed by 68 people, including 25 of artistic creation personnel and 43 administrative – technique.

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