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The House with the Monkey, Veliko TarnovoCod 2482

The house with the monkey is a Renaissance house – museum.
It has this name, because above the front door stays a sculpture of a monkey. The House has been turned into a museum and considered a cultural monument and a symbol of the city Veliko Tirnovo.

It is located between the Old Market Halls and Samovodska Bazar. It was built in 1849 by Nikola Ficheto for the needs of Koyuv the merchant. Stoyancho P. Akhtar lived here for a while, he is the first collector of antiquities and owner of the first private collections of manuscripts and precious Bulgarian medieval coins. It was built on an extremelly narrow terrain, about 6 m width and 15 m depth. In this place, Kolyo Ficheto has built a three-storeys building, whose premises, shops, warehouses and housing meet the needs of the merchant. Like other houses in Tirnovo, this one is located at the junction of two streets. The rooms front towards lower street are situated at a higher level, and from there both levels can be reached. Link to other floor is done via an inner staircase. The groundfloor is designed with two large openings, and vaulted arch (now blocked).

Above them, plastering the middle smooth side, a monkey sits on a profile columns with a writing plate. There is an oval opening on both sides. Above this part begins the first floor, which was delivered in front with about 26 cm. The transition side is shaped with poorly shaped cornice. In the middle of the floor, the level protruding out by a balconny closed and rounded in a trapezoidal shape. The second floor is more forward than the first, but with with a concave curve much richer, and profiles and rectangular small withdrawals. On that wall there are five windows, three of which have openings on the pier. Originally it was located inside a vestibule situated on the middle floor. Light is coming from the window placed on the ceiling of the upper hall. The exterior is made of bricks lined with elements, with bulging figures. This type of decoration of facades (by filling brick) is rare in the country. It is assumed that it was brought by Kolyo Ficheto.

Such a decoration of facades is also found, in other houses in Veliko Tirnovo city, for instance in Gorna Oryahovitsa and Plakovski Monastery and Transfiguration Monastery, where Kolyo Ficheto worked. The House with the Monkey has been restore by the project architect T. Teofilov.

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