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Clock Tower, ElenaCod 2580

The clock tower in Elena city is a remarkable and original cultural monument of national importance. Its location was specially chosen to be seen and heard from any part of the city. The Clock Tower, the dome of the “The Assumption” Church and the bell tower dominate through their verticality the social and religious center.
It was built in 1812 by an unknown builder from Elena. In the prayer book of the Priest Hristo Kurshov is mentioned, “…To be known when it was built in 1812, the bell was fixed on Saint John’s Eve.” ” („…Да знай куга се согради сахата сене 1812, чана укачи се на Енов денъ”). The mechanism and bell were bought by Feyzi Aga, from Tărnovo,” to bring luck”. The bell was cast in Gabrovo, as mentioned on its inscription. The tower was rehabilitated in 1857 or 1858 by the famous builder from Elena – Tsontcho Ustabashi, was consolidated in 1953 and completely rehabilitated in 1987.
The tower consists of three parts, which are harmoniously coordinated. The base of the tower is made of stone and is square shaped, having a 12,5 meters height being illuminated through a narrow vent. The middle part is an eight-sided prism with plastered walls, painted and whitewashed, laminated with cooper. The mechanism of the clock is inside the prism. The top part is a square made of a light wood construction opened on all sides. Inside hangs the bell. The roof is cone-shaped, laminated with copper on the edges and ends on the top with four lead balls.

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