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The Lipnița Cellar, LipniţaCod 1227

Currently, the Ostrov Domains have an agrarian surface of approximately 2000 hectares, with a vinicultural areal of 1200 hectares, 400 hectares of fruit gardens (apricot, peach, apple, plum, cherry, wild cherry, nut tree), 150 hectares of arable field which is going to be plated and 200 hectares of greenhouse. The Ostrov Domains include the two big centers: Ostrov, with a total of five farms and a surface of approximately 600 hectares and Lipnița, with a total of nine farms and a surface of approximately 1000 hectares.

The Ostrov domains are situated in the south-west of the county of Constanța, along the right shore of the Danube, on the superior terrace, having a length of 30 km. The wines obtained in this cellar have particularities of noblesse and originality, which give them a strong and distinguished personality. The wines of the Ostrov cellar follow and promote the quality requests of the European Union. The archeological sources have shown us the fact that, even 3000 years ago, the region known today as Ostrov was synonymous with the wine growing and, consequently, with the wine making. Over time, under different forms, at Ostrov there was produced wine.

The cultivation was made on big surfaces, which imposed the wine growing as being a distinguished element for the future Roman province. After the conquest of Dacia, the Roman administration introduced new types of vine plants and new methods of cutting and wine making practices. The cultivation of the vine plants never stopped, even in the period of the migration of the populations, not even in the centuries of the Turkish occupation of the Romanian Countries.

The cultivation of the vine plants for the Romans belongs not only to the manual work, but also to an entire spirituality, art and line of thought, which strongly marked this civilization. The wine is found in diverse artistic creations and in the Roman sculptures and everything lies under the mark of Bachus, who, according to the legend, had wine in his veins, instead of blood. The discoveries made in the area revealed more representations of Bachus and of the grape bunch.

The wine producer, Ostrov Domains, is governed by the business man, Horia Culcescu, starting with the year 2001. Starting with 2005 until present, at the Ostrov Domains, were performed investments for the re-conversion of the plantations, through successive annual programs, irrigation systems, the endowment with equipments and specific facilities. Also, the two wine making stations Ostrov, respective Lipnița, have been brought to modern standards.

The Ostrov Domains represent the brand under which Ostrovit S.A. produces the wines from the Ostrov vineyard.

The types which are grown at the Ostrov Domains are the following: Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Fetească Neagră, Pinot Noir, Syrach and Rebo for the red wines. For the white wines there are grown the types: Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay, Pinot Gris, Fetească Albă, Fetească Regală, Italian Riesling, Mușcat Ottonel and Cramposie. The most important types of wine of the brand Ostrov Domains are the following: Ostrov Domain Reserves, Durostorum Citadel, Canaraua Fetii, Pacuiul lui Soare, Ostrov Domains, Prized, Labyrinthum and Ostrov Winery.

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