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The House with Lions, ConstantaCod 1103

Located in Constanta Peninsula, Emirzian house called the House with  Lions  due to four columns on whose capitals dominates the lions, hides many legends, in eager rivalry more misterious. By one of them is also bound  the name of Krikor Zambaccian.

The famous House with Lions was built at the end of XIX century by Dicran Emirzian, an Armenian very rich, who  earned his existence by trade and who was owning several  properties.  He ordered and paid the construction of a residency in this peninsula. The style was eclectic, specific for that period. At the time of the construction commencement, the façade of the house  was  oriented  with direct opening towards Ovidiu market and harbor on the western side. The owner and the architect intended to highlight the building to be seen and simultaneously contemplated in its many angles. The sides of the building were bounded by three streets where the facades were facing: the Elenă Street (now Nicolae Titulescu street), Dianei str. and Ovidiu str.. Start of the construction was done in 1898 and was completed in 1902.

Above the main entrance there is mentioned, moreover, a start date of 1898. According to them the Emirzian house designer was Daniel Renard, the one who would later receive the Project of Constanta Casino. After building the residence it seems that Dicran Emirzian concerned about his business in places other than Constanta.  As a result, the house was rented. The first tenant of the building was Lazarus Munteanu, President of the Court of Constanta and at the same time a passionate art collector. He lived 20 years in Constanta.

In the documents from 1921 it is recorded that in the house built by the ship-owner Ermizian was operating a bank. The list of phone subsribers from  1924 is mentioned at this address  Dianei no. 1 the Comercial Bank.  Later  in this pace were operated many trading companies, a transports agency and even a Commercial Club.  Then, by the end of the interwar period, the building resumed its function of dwelling. A less documented aspect shows that, for a short time, in the House with Lions, during interwar period has operated the headquarters of a Masonic lodge.  Based on the Simon’s Tavitian evocation, former prominent member of the Armenian community, and  according to some documents, in 1940 the building was owned by Eliza Emirzian. The one who was using the house was the son of the Armenian ship-owner, Bebi Emirzian. He lived in this house until 1941. As the elders records on Diana street no 1 often took place many private parties. Almost every evening, ladies were entering  ducking their identity from the eyes of others. Then arrived the gentlemen,  who were always walking going through the streets, to avoid being seen by acquaintances. The House with Lions was much or less a tenement house. Discreet adulterous couples were consuming romances under the shield of anonymity well maintained. The fact that the house had several access routes that was a sufficient advantage.

After the `48s, the building was nationalized and in 1953 in the building was installed a technical service of the Danube – Black Sea.  Later it was opened again as a dwelling. Last restoration was completed in 1978, when it was converted into a hotel and restaurant.

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