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Eforie South Mosque, Eforie SouthCod 1186

The story of the newest Muslim place of worship in the country began Saturday, 23 June 2007, in Eforie South city, where took place the opening ceremony of the first mosque in the locality, ceremony attended by more than 150 people under the new dome.

The mosque was built under the guidance of the Muslim Mufti from Romania. The construction of this sanctuary began in 2003 and was achieved with the help of the  City Hall and the Local Council, by the amounts allocated. Besides Eforie City Hall, the honor list of those who have donated large amounts for the construction of this mosque, includes  the Department of Religious Affairs from Turkey, businessmen, the Ecumenical Institute from Geneva and the Muslim community from Eforie South.

Priest-professor Ioan Sauca, manager of the Ecumenical Institute from Geneva stated that “by chance, when I was younger, I lived within a Muslim family from  Eforie South and I was very impressed with how close are the links within this community. The building of this mosque is a theologically reasoned act. However, we all belong to the same creator parent. Both the Bible, and the Koran, teach us the  law of love and good understanding. “.

The Muslim community respects, throughout centuries, certain quirks, such as the taking off one’s shoes at the door, and the separating  of men from women.

For locals, the Mosque means the place of gathering, of knowledge, communication, the place where the imam preaches the divine message, calling the faithful to prayer.

The official inauguration ceremony was also attended by a delegation of four muftis from Bulgaria, Haluk Agca – General Consul of the Republic of Turkey in Constanţa, Ahmed Erdem – attaché on religious services within the General Consulate of Turkey and the  imams of the Muslim Communities.

On Saturday, 1st December, 2011, with the occasion of the National Day of Romania, was opened the second monument dedicated  to Muslim heroes. The event was held by the Mosque Committee from Eforie South.

The initiator and designer of this monument is Mr. Nedret Abduraman, committee chairman of the local mosque.

The monument is located inside the Mosque and is dedicated to Muslim Turks and Tatars heroes who have sacrificed for Romania during the two world wars.


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