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The Mansion Paul Lazăr, LiiceniCod 1631

The Mansion Paul Lazăr was built in neo-Romanian style, with a ground floor, storey and a patio, where the owner can better follow everything that happen to his estate. The Mansion was built of brick and covered with galvanized, and was placed in a superb landscape that architect Riri Delavrancea-Gibory, has harnessed : conservatories, solariums, lawns with flowers and pergola. In 1939 Paul Lazăr was president of the Agricultural Chamber fo Romanati County. After the arrival to power of Russians and communists was hospitalized in the camp at Caracal, where he stayed for eight months. In the first part of the Second World War, when the Romanian army reconquered Bessarabia and Bukovina, to his estate from Liiceni were brought Russian prisoners to work, these accusing him when the situation of the front has changed and the Russians have come upon us, that have not been treated properly, of this fact Paul Lazar, had to pay.
A troop of Russian soldiers went to the mansion, where, in front of him, among other uncivilized gestures of robbery and bad words, they shot the 40 horses, which represented wealth of soul, being passionate of growing and taking care of horses , something that disturbed him deeply, Russians prohibiting lifting bodies. Buys hares “retirement” from racing. At the mate with stallions that had good pedigree and important awards and then selling the young promissing bedaub which he trained since young. At the courtyard there was a trotting track,he hired a special coach, had even a so-called bihuncă, which the horses drew at the trotting races in which the joke standed. He brought for internship at his farm, a student from the Faculty of Agriculture in Iasi named Gritco Leon, second lieutenant in the reserve, to which he promised 150 000 lei if he will pull out a colt with prized characteristics. During the project the war started, and Gritco Leon was called to the front. By mid-August 1941, located whit the peloton at the forefront a curier appears from division accompanied by a civil , which goes directly to Gritco Leon, he hugs him and gives him the 150 000 lei. The civilian was Paul Lazăr who obtained approvals to get in the conflict zone, to tell him that one of bedaub meets the requirements set. These two have met after the war in 1952 ,in Craiova, where Paul Lazăr was carrying wood, with a cart , from a warehouse, for different people. He told that has no shortage of money, that he got used to it , that he does not feel sorry that he lost the estate , but that he is suffering after those 40 wild horses killed by a group of Russian soldiers of liberating Red Army. Paul Lazăr was born on February 7, 1885 at Drăgăşani and died at Craiova on October 23, 1966, in his sister’s house, brought here in 1949, with mandatory domicile, accompanied by his housekeeper Elena, that he married in the end.

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