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The Obelisk „Slatina 600”, SlatinaCod 1674

Pitesti Park hosts just at its main entrance the obelisk “Slatina 600”, a historical monument. The obelisk was unveiled in 1968 on the anniversary of 600 years of documentary attestation of Slatina Municipality. The obelisk was accomplished by sculptor Ion Irimescu, which at his beginnings was a drawing teacher in the gymnasium “Radu Greceanu”, currently the National College “Radu Greceanu” in Slatina.
The Pitesti Park in Slatina is the oldest public garden in Slatina. It is located near the center, with an area of about 1.68 hectares. The access to the park is via four entrances: two from Pitesti Street, one from the church “Saint Emperors” (in the vicinity of the hotel “Park”), and another from the multi-storey car park near the Olt County Hospital. The Pitesti Park is one of the oldest places of promenade in the history of Slatina. At the end of century. XIX – beginning of century. XX citizens of Slatina gathered here on feast days, dressed in their best clothes and walked and talked in this area. There is reliable information, attested by historians, which reveals that in the early years of the twentieth century herself Princess Elizabeth (1894-1956), the eldest daughter of King Ferdinand and Queen Marywhich later became Queen Elizabeth was walking on the alleys of the Public Garden on the street Piteşti. Piteşti Park was completely rehabilitated in May 2008, at the price of 3.2 million lei. The old access paths and stairs were rebuilt and plated with granite, the main entrance was paved with marble, was fitted ambiental furnishings consisting of 60 banks and were installed 40 lamps. It was completed,also the construction of the support wall of the slopes. For the restoration of the green area has been seeded a layer of turf and one layer of peat, were planted over 50 plane trees and other almost 1,000 plants. The highlight of the “new” park is increased by the water fountains – two in number, placed at the center of the park. The biggest of them is composed of two sections in shape of a semicircle, which are covered with natural stone. A section is made up of three towers, with a diameter of 2 meters connected to each other by two basins, and the other section imitates the shape of a supporting double-deck wall, the water that flows being collected in the bottom of a canal. The second fountain is at the entrance of the old grotto of the park, where was arranged, also a water curtain that is designed to prevent the entry of visitors into the grotto. Both fountains are equipped with night lighting installation. Near one of the entrances on the street Piteşti was set up a small waterfall and a pond, fitted with an artificial steam sistem and specific vegetation, which now is no longer functional.

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