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The Rock Music Alley, KavarnaCod 2041

In the recent years, the small coastal town of Kavarna has become the biggest rock capital of Bulgaria.

On the Rock Alley in Kavarna was opened the Monument of the amercian singer and composer Ronnie James Dio.

Frontman “Elf,” “Rainbow”, “Black Sabbath”, “Dio”, who left this world in May 2010, has delighted audiences on the “Kavarna Rock Fest” and the Christmas festivities in the city.

The authors of the memorial, built with a donation action, are Alexander Petrov and Krasimir Krastev Lomski. The bronze figure is on a rock depicting a characteristic posture of worship before the public. The monument is over two meters tall and weighs 250 kg.
For authors, Dio is a lyrical hero who contributed greatly to the world rock culture.

It is believed that Rock Alley will become a unique card insight Kavarna.
Unique by design in Bulgaria and Europe currently has two statues of Dio and Georgi Minchev.
Georgi Minchev Monument has a height of 160 cm and rises near the bas-relief of the world legend Dio. Author of the project is Krasimir Krastev-Lomski again. The cause of its construction has united almost all Bulgarian musicians, and its implementation was made possible by donations.

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