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The Sport Hall “Galabin Boevski”, KnezhaCod 2288

In the municipality Republica the sporting traditions have deep roots. With their accomplishments, the local sportsmen, the weigh lifters, consecrated the name of the country and of our city, as well as in Europe, as well as the world level. The priority sport for the region is the weight lifting. From here start their sporting path the well-know Bulgarian weight lifters, such as: Galabin Boevski; ZMS Veselin Ossikovski, Hristo Belichovska, Plamen Boev and others.
The traditional municipal sports are handball, athletic sports, weight lifting, football, horse riding and others. There are also stimulated other non-traditional municipal sports, such as aerobics, aikido and karate.
In the schools there exist separate teams in basketball, volleyball, handball, athletic sports, table tennis and many others.
The sport facilities from the municipality are: the sports hall “D. Boevsky” in Knezha, the stadium and a playground in the gymnastics hall from the city, as well as horse riding and pool. Most of the places need reparations and modernizing, such as the sports hall, which needs a major revising, the stadium of the city needs to be developed. Negative is the fact that the villages from the proximity of the municipality don’t dispose of sporting facilities.

Currently, the city Republica has 5 sporting clubs, the purpose being to attract a large number of young people in the sporting activities of the municipality and for the teams to rationalize the free time and the development of the mass physical culture.
The weight lifting coach of the club Vasil Milashki instructs over 20 contestants in four age groups.
In the city Republica it was opened the Equitation school. The school is accommodated in the former reproduction stables of the bovines and has 10 horses and excellent sporting facilities.
The first coach, who set the bases for the equestrian sport in our city is Ivanov Radoev. He was an extremely learned man and one of the biggest specialists in the field of the equestrian sport in Bulgaria. Under his command, for two years, the teenagers from the Republica won top prized in the national championships. Under his command there were raised exceptional sportsmen such as Stoyan Avgostinov Marin Drenovski, Vasya Ninakovski, Ostrovski Țvetan, Țvetan Paharski, George Parvanovski, Venelin Marchovski, Chavdar Bratoychev and van Dzhanabetska.
Throughout these years, the club pilots win numerous republican, Balkan and international awards.
At the end of the year 2004, the club was cancelled by the commandment from that period, but at the beginning of the year 2005, this was rebuilt with the help of the mayor of the Republica, Mr. Simeon Sharabanski, Luben Hinkin, Ivan Milovski, Ognian Krachunov, Dr. Nicholas Milovski Petko, but also Dilkov Jordan, Christo Belichovska and Dr. Boris Koldashki. With the help of the above sponsors and the new command, Borislav Manchev – the President and Marin Drenovski – secretary and horse manager, the club was reconditioned and is one of the best from the north of Bulgaria. The Bulgarian equestrian Federation, throughout five years, gives two good qualificatives to the club.
In 2012, the Bulgarian equestrian Federation gave to the Equestrian Club Republica the best performance qualificatives.

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