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“Saint Trinity” Church, PlevenCod 2285

In 1870 the inhabitants from the superior Pleven take into consideration the building of a new temple. Initially they built the church class which serves for almost 40 years of religious activity, for the school children from the area.
The fund raising for the temple started in 1873, but because of political and financial reasons, the construction had a delay of 20 years and in 1893 it was established a committee which would look after the preparation and the construction of the church. The committee is commanded by the mayor Hristo Danailov. The church project was made by the architect of the city, Vyacheslav Gavardo. The construction was finished by the district’s entrepreneur, Tryavna Ivan.
The initial value of the temple was established at 32,069 leva, but lasted for many years and the cost grew. Among the financers of the construction it is numbered the Ministry of External Affairs and of Cults, the National Gathering, the County Council, the County Commission, the Municipal Council, the Vratsa, the Pleven and the citadel Episcopacy. The names of many donors are kept in the “Book of voluntary offerings of the Christians for the Holy Trinity church” from the city of Pleven (1898).”
The objects are diverse – from wool carpets and crystal chandeliers, to cult objects. There exists a lot of voluntary work. The villagers from the neighboring villages carried the stone from the quarry Kaylashka, and the population who lives in the villages along the river Vit offered sand.
In the sacred effort, Pleven received the support from their spiritual pastor from Vrața, the Metropolitan Constantin. He insisted many times along the clerks for the fund allocation, and if the construction of the temple progressed, he allowed the placing of the cult objects.
The first was the Holy Mass which takes place in 1898 at Pleven with the vicar of the Protopope Antonie Popov. A few days before the master, Stephen and Avram Vassilevi – Filipovi, sculpters from the village Osoy, Debar, finished the throne of the bishop and the royal gates.
The iconostasis was made in 1899. It is tall and well built, it isn’t sculpted – the personal preference of the Metropolotan Vrața Constantin. The development of the icons of the iconostasis is handed over to Daniel NESTEROV from the village Galichnik and his assistants are the cousin of Oventiy Isachev and Alex Vassilev. There are 8 principal icons and two doors for the altar. In the archives there appears the name of another painter – Adolf Selov, who created icons from the “Holy Trinity” for the right iconostasis and a couple of small icons.
The construction of the temple continued for 19 years and it was consecrated on the 14th of May 1912.
For many years there are collected funds for its painting. In 1940 it was signed a contract with the artist Ilia Pefev, originary from Galichnik. The painting starts from the altar, and in 1946 it is finalized the rest of the temple.
Despite the chronic lacking of money, the church administrators throughout the years were too ambitious. Among these ambitions there also was the construction of a new room of the church. Its architect is Al Gaitandjev, and its construction was given to the commander Petko Kazardzhikov.
The idea of the Church Committee, presided by Dimitar Monov, is that on the second floor to be made a grand room for discourses. The immobile is necessary especially for the religious and educational activities at the temple. The creators are Orthodox Christians of the fraternities “Christ John the Baptist”. There are made organized biblical studies. In the center of this activity there are the priests Dimitar Monov and Jordan Valeshkov.

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