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Church “St. George”, GigenCod 2280

In the village center stands the majestic building of the church temple St. George. The temple was completed and consecrated in 1895. After four rehabilitation and completion.
According to chronicle book of the church, instead of the current altar was a small church dug in the ground. In – late 1834 with donations from local people was built a large temple. Evidence for this a metal stamp with the image of St. George. In this kind of church existed until 1877, when burned by Turkish troops along with the entire village. After the Liberation, along with the restoration of the house was rebuilt and the church shrine, which existed until 1885 Fourth Reconstruction and expansion of the church interior and completion, walls, construction of the bell tower was completed in 1895. Repair by the Triavna to build with stonework. In this church in 1944. Father Christo Nyagolov hide books of library and community center protects them from burning.

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