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The Zoo, CraiovaCod 1342

The zoo is situated in the park Romanescu and it is opened to the public throughout the entire day, the access being free.

It is considered to be one of the oldest zoos from the country, being inaugurated in the year 1906, at the command of the mayor from those times, Nicolae Romanescu.

The lion Dani is one of the first species from the zoo. It has approximately 20 years since it arrived at Craiova. With his imposing crest, it is already admired by entire generations of visitors, being one of the principal attractions of the Park “Nicolae Romanescu”. It was brought since it was little and raised together with a lioness. Slowly, there appeared the other two young lions, Turi and Cioanta. Their neighbors are Rocky and Aka, the family of tigers.

Interesting stories have the storks, which were adopted at the Zoo. All the four babies, which now live together with other wading birds, were saved from a fire, from Desa. Then the nest where there were the birds was in a blaze.

The monkeys insured forever the exotic corner of the Zoo from Craiova. Now, in the new and broad reservation, where there were prepared wooden cradles and painted wheels, only lives a monkey.

Bengi is a Java Macaque and it is here for approximately 15 years, being brought from the former Zoo from Caracal, which was abolished in the meantime.

The visitors of the Zoo became also attached to the family ostriches, which the caretakers try to make them feel their best in captivity. The two ostriches are fed with a mixture of grains, corn, maize, barley and sun-flower, and vegetal – everything that means salads and herbs, but small chopped and in a certain quantity. The water is provided to them more and more frequently because of the fact that they consume pretty much.

Currently, in the zoo from Craiova there are over 40 species, almost 270 omnivores, herbivorous, carnivore animals. Recently, there was brought a pair of raccoons, but also one of bears.


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