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Varshets Park, VarshetsCod 2126

The city park is one of the greatest treasures of Varshetz kept over the years. Created at the beginning of last century (1911-1912 years), with the voluntary work of the local population, under the guidance of a the first balneologist doctor Dr. Marin. It is mostly forested with pine trees and plant species of the most valuable: Liriodendron, cedar, Douglas fir, spruce and silver fir, konkolorka, ginkgo biloba, magnolia, persimmon and others. The park occupies an area of 800 acres and is the second largest park in the country after Boris Garden in Sofia. The park is located in the city center. Recreates the atmosphere of a part of ancient history from Varshetz – Roman steps and the goddess health Hygeia, reminiscent of the distant past, since it is known the healing power of these waters.

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